April 30, 2014 D4MH

Alumni Urologist to Set Record for Men’s Health

Sijo Parekattil (left) is charged up about men’s health.

It’s kind of embarrassing for guys to come in for office visits, usually their wives drag them in. We’ve always tried to make it a more pleasant experience, and make it easier for men to talk about these subjects.

Sijo Parekattil is a urologist. That can mean that sometimes his patients are less than excited to come in for an appointment.

To raise awareness, Sijo and his business partner are driving from Florida to New York in a Tesla Model S, a fully-electric luxury sedan. With a a goal of driving 1,130 miles in 23 hours, Sijo hopes to set a Guinness World Record. To be fair, there is no standing record for this-but it’s still cool. So where does men’s health fit in?

A map of Sijo’s journey with stops….

Read the entire article written on University of Michigan Association Page.